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We increase the visibility of your destination and distinguish it from others.
Our product
Globetrotter’s white-label applications for tourism boards, CVB and DMO are a great way to increase the visibility of your destination and distinguish it from others. Offer your visitors a destination guide accessible via their iPhone or Android device.

Globetrotters white label app provides travellers with the guidance & resources to explore your destination with ease….at their will! Your visitors will have access to a detailed branded travel directory, daily itinerary/tours, offline maps, turn-by-turn directions, and more. All features of the app (aside from sharing and updates) are 100% offline with no roaming charges:

What’s in it for your audience?
What’s in it for you?
Understand your visitors

The ability to understand & analyse user behaviour is key to the success of any marketing channel. The Globetrotter city tourism platform provides the ability to:

  • Understand & analyse user behaviour 

  • Constantly improve UX via continued review 

  • Understand what users engage with & importantly...What they do not!

  • Analyse where users are dropping out of funnels, then react & iterate accordingly 

  • Embed CTA’s at key junctures in the user journey based on insights & informed data analysis


Analyse Google Analytics & Firebase dashboards to provide you with a clear picture of your visitors’ preferences and behaviour including:

Users data
Location (country, city, region), language, gender, device, OS, service provider


Content viewed, session duration, active sessions, messages viewed, monthly active users, sharing and publishing features

Create audience types based on behaviour & broadcast messaging to specific audience groupings 

Simple fast implementation


Globetrotter’s easy to use cloud-based content management system requires no special knowledge to operate. It can be synchronised with your existing database to make the transition to mobile simple. Our team can ensure your apps are live within days, although we’d like to think you’ll need a little more time to plan launching properly! 

Cloud-based Content Management System (CMS)
Access our user friendly CMS to add and update app content, & manage marketing features

Content synchronisation
Synchronise the mobile application content with your in-house system

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